'पैसा या parents?'

Our houses have great collaboration of 'elderly kids' and 'small kids'. They both have some common properties. They demand our time , are attention seekers , rigid to their opinions and one more thing, they have in common and that is they hate that people work!
Means, they want money but doesn't like the work that brings the money home..
Sorry for the factual words.. But I hope most of the young parents will agree to this!
Because these parents are the ones who play the role of chutney between the 2 slices of bread yet no slice gets enough chutney ! भाई चटनी तो खानी है पर नुक्स भी निकलने है! In this situation, चुने क्या? पैसा या parents?
In the most productive years of life, one also gets responsibility of parents , kids and managing finances to handle the responsibilities well. There has to be more than one earner in the house. If the earning is not enough to complete the requirements of one's family ; the rhythm of the family disturbs. When a time comes when it becomes crucial to take the decision , money or family ; people choose one partner quitting job. And in India that person is mostly the woman in the family!
When a couple takes such important decision , keeping parents and kids priority the emotional turbulence has already started. Family gets full time caretaker whom they often take for granted. And again , rhythm disturbs...
ना पैसा , ना शांती, ना satisfaction. Quitting job doesn't solve the question and again we keep looking for the answer of 'पैसा या parents?'


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